2023 – current
by Kim J Vermeulen
I keep feeding the flesh, but it is not in the body where the emptiness lies but in the soul. I am spiritually hungry, and so I turn to the ancestors; the fact, fiction and fantasy of their ancient beliefs, where the lines between the gods, goddesses and earth are blurred.
Much of our knowledge of the past comes from ‘artefacts’, the word is derived from the Latin meaning ‘something made by or using art’, this explains the importance of art for cultural understanding. In history and archaeology things we do not understand are often assigned ritualistic meaning. Things we find impossible to believe are attributed to myth and legend.
So far I am shooting to get inspiration for the project. I have a collection of pagan inspired art much of which comes from my most excellent father-in-law, some of which I intend to use. I also have a large amount of historical props.
© 2018 Kim J. Vermeulen
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